Discover your path to success with us!

Helping you get into your dream college every step of the way!

With acceptances to over 800 colleges worldwide, over $50 million earned in scholarships and a 97% acceptance rate, Dream Education Consulting is there to guide you through it all in a stress free environment.

Why hiring dream education consulting is the smartest decision?

Competitive edge:

Don't just apply - shine! Our counselors help you highlight your strengths and showcase your unique qualities, giving you a competitive edge in the admissions process.

Insider knowledge:

Our counselors have insider knowledge on the college admissions process, including what colleges are looking for, how to craft an impressive application, and how to write a essay. With our guidance, you'll stand out from the thousands of applicants vying for a spot at your dream college.

Personalized guidance:

No cookie-cutter approach here. Our expert counselors work with you one-on-one to understand your unique needs and preferences, and create a customized plan to achieve your college dreams.

About us

Our mission

At Dream Education Consulting, our mission is to provide comprehensive college counseling services. We are dedicated to fostering a collaborative and supportive environment that empowers students to explore their interests, identify their strengths and set ambitious goals. Through personalized guidance and mentorship, we aim to help students maximize their potential to achieve their dreams. 

Our vision

Our vision is to empower students to achieve their academic and personal goals through expert guidance and personalized support. We strive to be the premier college counseling service, recognized by our commitment to excellence, integrity and innovation. Our goal is to help students navigate the complex college application process with confidence and ease, so they can pursue their passions and unlock their full potential. 

Meet our CEO

Dr. Marki is a world traveler and lifelong learner, having attended universities across the world, including the University of Miami, Universistat polytechnica de catalunya, EAE business school, Harvard University and UCLA. Born in Paris, France she brings a global perspective to her work as the CEO of Dream Education Consulting. Dr. Marki’s passion for college counseling began while working as a guardian ad litem, where she saw firsthand the impact that education can have on a child’s life. In 2018 Dr. Marki decided to pursue her calling full time and founded Dream Education Consulting. Today she uses her expertise and experience to guide students and their families through the complex admissions process, helping them achieve their dreams and reach their full potential. Dr. Marki’s commitment to excellence is reflected in every aspect of her work. She is dedicated to providing personalized attention and customized solutions to each client.


Services we provide


We know that every student is unique, and we'll work with you to develop a personalized college admissions strategy that maximizes your chances of success. With our expert guidance, you'll be on the path to your dream college in no time!

We help you find colleges that match your interests, needs, and preferences, and create a balanced list of schools to apply to.

Your essay is your chance to shine. Our expert counselors provide feedback on your essay to ensure that it is well-written, compelling, and showcases your unique qualities. We'll help you turn your thoughts and ideas into a powerful and unforgettable essay that will make you stand out from the crowd.

 Nail your interview with our expert guidance. We provide mock interviews and feedback on your performance to help you present your best self.

We can help you identity and pursue extracurriculars and leadership opportunities that will showcase your talents and interests, making you a stronger candidate for college admissions.

We help you identify and plan a community service that aligns with your passions and goals, demonstrating your commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

We help you create a professional, polished resume that highlights your strengths, achievements and expertise.


We know that college can be expensive, but we also know that there are many ways to make it more affordable. Our team of financial aid experts will help you explore all your options and find the funding you need to make college a reality.

Ready to take your college admissions game to the next level? Dream Education Consulting is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let's make your college dreams a reality!

Services we provide

Strategy planning

We know that every student is unique, and we’ll work with you to develop a personalized college admissions strategy that maximizes your chances of success. With our expert guidance, you’ll be on the path to your dream college in no time!

College search & selection

We help you find colleges that match your interests, needs, and preferences, and create a balanced list of schools to apply to.


Easy review

Your essay is your chance to shine. Our expert counselors provide feedback on your essay to ensure that it is well-written, compelling, and showcases your unique qualities. We’ll help you turn your thoughts and ideas into a powerful and unforgettable essay that will make you stand out from the crowd.

Interview preparation

Nail your interview with our expert guidance. We provide mock interviews and feedback on your performance to help you present your best self.

Extracurricular activity and leadership guidance

We can help you identity and pursue extracurriculars and leadership opportunities that will showcase your talents and interests, making you a stronger candidate for college admissions.

Community service project

We help you identify and plan a community service that aligns with your passions and goals, demonstrating your commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

Resume building

We help you create a professional, polished resume that highlights your strengths, achievements and expertise.

Financial aid and scholorship guidance

We know that college can be expensive, but we also know that there are many ways to make it more affordable. Our team of financial aid experts will help you explore all your options and find the funding you need to make college a reality.

Ready to take your college admissions game to the next level? Dream Education Consulting is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let’s make your college dreams a reality!

Dream Education Consulting - Bridging Aspirations With Opportunities & Allows You To Achieve Your Educational Goals

Educational dreams are never bound by boundaries, especially for those who are determined to mark history by getting enrolled in the world's best universities and high schools! But let us tell you that they get the best overseas education consultants' guidance and support to go through the process. And yes it can be complicated, with so many options and problems in school, consulting can help you navigate key issues like application processes for universities, future planning, and academic success strategies.

If you are not sure about the application requirements then we are here to assist you with it right away until you get the dream opportunity. Our Education consultancy makes a difference in the current complex educational context as it delivers specific guidance and expertise based on the requirements of your educational dream.

The mission of Dream Education Consulting is to facilitate the ability of individuals of all ages and backgrounds to fulfil their educational aspirations!

Our Core Values - As a Worldwide Education Consultant Services Provider

Dream Education Consulting is a leading educational consulting firm offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to support you throughout your educational journey. Dream Education Consulting is available to work with you whether you're a student struggling with the challenges of higher education strategy and planning or a college selection trying to establish valuable educational possibilities. Here are our core values:

  1. Development: Our educational consulting services are founded on the principles of fostering lifelong learning and growth. We believe in empowering individuals to continually expand their knowledge and skills, enabling them to thrive in a rapidly evolving world. 
  2. Results: With a commitment to providing tangible outcomes, our worldwide education consultant services are dedicated to delivering solutions that yield measurable results. 
  3. Empowerment: Through empowering our clients, we directed our education services consultancy to meet their specific needs, ensuring accessibility for all. Our higher education consulting services aim to equip students with the tools and guidance needed to navigate the complexities of academia and succeed in their academic pursuits. 
  4. Accessibility: No matter if it's assisting with college admissions, career planning, or specialized learning needs, our education consultancy services offer comprehensive support to students at every stage of their educational journey. 
  5. Collaboration: We recognize the importance of collaboration and actively seek partnerships to maximize the impact of our services. With a focus on empowerment and accessibility, BL education consulting services strive to make quality education attainable for all, fostering a brighter future for individuals and communities alike.

The Wide-Ranging Services We Offer As higher education consultants

1 - Educational Consulting Services For Students:

  • Educational Planning: We help you chart a clear roadmap to achieve your academic aspirations. This includes developing specific education plans, exploring higher education options, and navigating the college selection process.
  • Essay & Interview Preparation: We guide you in crafting compelling essays and mastering interview skills to gain admission to your dream colleges.
  • Financial Aid & Scholarship Assistance: We navigate the complexities of financial aid and scholarships to ensure you access the resources needed to pursue your education. We offer FAFSA® help, scholarship matching services, and guidance on financial planning for college.

2 - Education Consulting For Schools & Communities:

  • Leadership Development: We provide customized leadership training programs for educators and administrators to enhance their effectiveness and drive school improvement.
  • Program & Curriculum Development: We collaborate with schools and organizations to design and implement impactful educational programs and curriculums aligned with specific goals.
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB) Initiatives: We support schools and higher education institutions in fostering inclusive learning environments that celebrate diversity.
  • Community Service Project Consulting: We empower community organizations to develop meaningful and impactful service-learning projects.

We provide a variety of additional facilities to improve your educational experience in addition to our main educational advising services. With the help of our resume creation services, you can create a strong CV that illustrates your accomplishments and abilities. We serve you with the self-assurance and interview-ready abilities you need to ace job interviews. 

With the aid of our scholarship search service, you can locate appropriate possibilities that fit both your financial needs and academic background. We also assist organizations and schools in developing their educational marketing strategies, which enables them to successfully draw in stakeholders and students.

Why Choose Dream Education Consulting:

When it comes to education consulting, Dream Education Consulting stands out for several key reasons. Our team consists of experienced professionals who are not only qualified educators but also seasoned consultants with deep expertise across various education sectors. What sets us apart is our commitment to providing specific solutions to each client's unique needs and goals. 

At Dream Education Consulting, there's no one-size-fits-all approach; instead, we take the time to understand your specific requirements and craft strategies that address them effectively. Our data-driven approach ensures that our recommendations are grounded in evidence and best practices, leading to measurable results. 

We believe in the power of collaboration, working closely with our clients to ensure that their voice and vision are central to every decision and action we take. Above all, we are driven by a commitment to excellence, continuously striving to exceed expectations and create a positive and empowering learning experience for all our clients. 

Rest assured by consulting us, because when you choose Dream Education Consulting, you're choosing a partner dedicated to your success and growth!

So, if you are ready to achieve your educational dreams! Contact Dream Education Consulting today for a free consultation. Let's discuss your goals and develop a specified plan to help you reach your full potential!

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

Who can benefit from an education consultant?

Students of all ages, professionals seeking career advancement, & schools/organizations.

What education consultant services do you offer?

Educational planning, college admissions, financial aid, special education, & career guidance.

How can a consultant help me get into college?

We provide guidance on school selection, applications, essays, interviews, & standardized tests.

Can you help me find scholarships and financial aid?

Yes, we offer scholarship search assistance and financial aid navigation. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss our pricing options.

Student Testimonials

Hear directly from previous student experiences

D.G Boston College 2022
"As I look back at my college application process, I can fully say that throughout all the stress and deadlines I had to overcome, Dr. Pauline Markowicz was a great supporter, mentor and by far the best college counselor in Miami, creating a comfortable space in which she put her greatest efforts to help me get to my dream school."
P.M Northeastern 2022
"Living in Mr. Markowicz's College counseling office in Miami showed me that yes stats and rankings are important but, its only as important as you make it. Without her help throughout the year I wouldn't have applied to schools that looked unrealistic to me. Without her push I would not be attending the school I will be calling home for the next 4 years!"
S.H Barnard 2021
“ I genuinely want to say thank you for the past two years, you are the hardest working person I have ever met and all of us are blessed to have you as our counselor, you made college Applications easy and fun! And always have great stories!”
F.B UF 2019
“Ms. Markowicz works with you on a 1-1 basis, she made the whole stressful process of applying to college so much easier! I am undocumented and proud to say that I am going to college completely for free! If it was not for Ms M I would have probably not gone to college at all.”
K.F Pomona 2022 Posse
"Dr. Markowicz was always able to accommodate my academic demands and future interests from the moment I first approached her. She guided me to become a Posse Miami Scholar and receive a full scholarship to Pomona College. I would not be able to do any of this without her efforts and commitment to find the great in everyone."
M.F Harvard 2021
"As a first generation low income student I was extremely unfamiliar with the process and had little confidence in my ability to be accepted into elite institutions. However, with every encounter Ms. Markowicz went above and beyond in assuring that my application highlighted my strengths and resonated with the admissions office. She continuously provided me with the resources to be able to afford my higher education, and most importantly believed in me every step of the way."
S.W 2020 Columbia
“Ms Markowicz has helped me every step on my way to college, she has supported me and guided me as no one else could have. She believed in me and she encouraged me to get to the goals we had set together, and I did, thanks to her. She welcomed me with open arms in a time where I didn’t know anyone at school and was very alone. She provides students with a positive atmosphere to be in and helps her students with everything they need. I am grateful to Ms Markowicz and firmly believe she already has everything it takes to be the best college counselor one could ask for.”
L.G MIT 2022 Questbridge
"I am extremely thankful for all the guidance and advice received from Dr. Markowicz throughout my college application journey. Not only did she go above and beyond in giving me the help I needed to truly shine in my applications, but she believed in me every step of the way. She's the best college counselor you could get! "
L.R Cornell 2021
“After spending a year with Dr. Markowicz, I cannot tell you how much she cares for her students. She sees the best in everyone and helps anyone who needs her. Beyond being the best college advisor, she will also be there for all of her kids when they need her. You cannot wish for someone better”.
E.A Springfield 2021
"In my journey through school and life, Pauline showed me the importance of not being alone. She took me in when I was lost, and alone and pulled me out. Helped me go from a 1.8 GPA in 10th grade to a 3.2 and a full scholarship to college. Pauline Showed me dreams do come true with hardworking and the right people in your corner. Thank you <3 "
A.L Princeton 2020
"To think I was not going to apply to Princeton at all is crazy to me today. My goal was always University of Florida until the day Ms. Markowicz asked me what about Princeton? I looked at her and laughed saying Princeton? I'd never get in there!... Ms. Markowicz showed me how to beat all odds and work hard towards my goal. I will forever me thankful!"

Accepted to over 800 colleges including...


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College and career counseling

Congratulations, you’re about to take the first step towards one of the most exciting experiences of your life - the college admissions process. We know how overwhelming and stressful this process is for the whole family but fear not! Dream Education Consulting is here to guide you every step of the way. Our team of knowledgeable counselors are fueled by a burning passion to help you achieve your college ambitions with ease and confidence.